Casein wonderful but…

dockyard work

Dockyard work, Casein 10″x 8″ SOLD

Setting the nets, Casein  10"x 8" SOLD

Setting the nets, Casein 10″x 8″ SOLD

Casein  10"x8" SOLD

Westerly waves, Casein 10″x 8″ SOLD

Casein 22"x30" $1200

Setting for Bait Casein 22″x30″ $1200

Unfortunately after nearly a year of working with it I came out in hives, I didn’t even know what they were at first but I certainly didn’t like having red itchy bumps allover my elbow pits. After a month of trying various remedies I saw the word casein and hives in the same sentence in an online post about supplements for body builders (go google). A light went on, and when I stopped using casein the hives went away.

I had just purchased a substantial quantity of  paint when I made the discovery, so I was fortunate to find a fellow painter who was interested enough to purchase it from me.

So its back to gouache for my opaque work.

I like gouache and it has some wonderful qualities but I miss my casein



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